Tools & Resources
The Science of You
Take the "Science of You" self exploration

It’s time to Plug into the diagnostic center and explore the science of you.
The diagnostic center will create clarity on how your internal engine runs for optimal performance for workplace productivity.Through this self-exploration you will have greater clarity of the following:
- How you move through your day
- Where to achieve greater results while transforming stress into ease
- How to energize yourself and change your state to increase focus
The great news is, with self-awareness, you are able to move into greater results to tune in and to expand your work tool box towards higher performance and success rate no matter what the playing field or circumstance. How awesome is that?
Once a Jayhawk, Always a Jayhawk - Liz Dobbins Photo Gallery

“’Remember your nest; return to it often. And never forget this unique bird that has set you free.’
Vice Chancellor Emeritus David Ambler used to share these words with University of Kansas students at each graduation, urging them to never forget their time as a Jayhawk…”
Billy Mills 6th graders first in U.S. to pilot USA Triathlon program

“…Liz Dobbins, an adjunct lecturer at the University of Kansas, is one of the co-authors of the curriculum.
Dobbins is a former triathlete herself and has been working on the program for nearly 10 years.
‘It really promotes health and wellness, what that looks like and what you do to be healthy and well as you grow,’ Dobbins said….”

“USA Triathlon today announced it has launched its first pilot program for the ‘Splash, Spin, Sprint’ school curriculum… The materials were co-authored by Liz Dobbins, Adjunct Lecturer for the University of Kansas and Owner and CEO of Propelogy…”
Morris D, Dobbins L, Brewer.J (2020) Splash Spin Sprint USAT Triathlon
Dobbins L.(2005). Gearing up for the triathlon. (in ed.) C. Gandolfo (Ed). The Woman Triathlete. Champaign, Il. Human Kinetics
Dobbins L. (2005) The ultimate training, technique, and strategy Series for Triathletes [DVD]. Ames, IA. Championship Productions
Dobbins L. (2005,November 4). Giving triathlon a try. Lawrence Journal World. Lawrence, KS.
Young S., Keplinger L. (1988) Movement is Fun. City Torrance, CA.: Sensory Integration International.